The vax carpet cleaner North Shore represents partly science and partly art. As far as the ordinary man is concerned, a carpet is just a piece of fabric; actually, it is a highly evolved system consisting of fibers, dust mites, and spills. It’s an exact science of cleaning, almost an investigation, very Sherlock Holmes-like, sans glass and pipe.
Imagine living in a world where each stain tells a different story: some that never come off, like last year’s Christmas red wine; others cleaned up in a instant, like muddy paw prints.
Professional cleaners have the good tools in order to negotiate the fibers and take out the particles. Cleaning solutions involving chemistry are important, specifically the pH scale. Anyone who has been through high school remembers acid and alkali. Here, they come into play in practical application. A balanced pH will do a great job of getting the grime away without spoiling the vibrancy of your carpet.
Vinegar water does its magic on some of the spots, while some shall yield to baking soda and water. The steam cleaners freshen up carpets quite well since they loosen the dirt and bacteria, making it as fresh as spring daisies. It is more or less like morning fog gliding over the carpet.
These special powders act almost like sponges and absorb dirt into the carpet-road trip until the residual is cleaned up at the end with the help of a vacuum. Every house up north has a story to tell; hence, every house would have its unique type of cleaning. Houses with kids and pets require strong cleaning, while quieter ones would most definitely opt for the eco-friendly ones. Skill and madness in utter balance: while hot water extraction and encapsulation lead the show, regular vacuuming is of utmost importance to let the carpet last long. That’s where a clean floor comes into play. Next time you tread on that spotless North Shore carpet, it’s scientifically clean.
Spotless Carpet Cleaning North Shore
1-5 Lynbara Ave, St Ives NSW 2075
(02) 8607 8811