Depression is a mood disorder or mood that occurs continuously for at least two weeks. Depression is characterized by a loss of interest in things you normally like, feeling low on energy, having no appetite, decreased sex drive, and feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or low self-esteem. Although nowadays people’s knowledge about depression is much better, sometimes there are still misconceptions circulating about depression. You can visit mindthebumps and treat it.
The following are examples of common misconceptions about depression:
Depression is considered the same as sadness
The term ‘depression’ is often used too loosely to describe sadness. Sadness because of failure or loss of someone in life is a natural thing that has been experienced by almost everyone. However, this momentary sadness is different from depression. Depression can last for weeks or even months, and leave a person feeling constantly unhappy, powerless, weak, hopeless, and disinterested in anything.
Depression needs a specific reason
Many people assume that if a person is successful or has an established life, then he has no reason to be depressed. For example, someone with a stable career, finances, and household life is considered to have no reason for depression. In fact, depression can still occur in people who are successful. They can still feel like they’re not good enough and have low self-esteem. The emergence of depression does not always have to be triggered by certain conditions or events that cause psychological trauma.
Antidepressants alone are enough to cure depression
Doctors will prescribe antidepressant drugs to help regulate the activity of chemicals in the brain to relieve symptoms of depression. However, antidepressants without psychotherapy will not give maximum results.
The things above are some examples of misconceptions about depression that circulate in society. If you have a friend or family member who suffers from depression and are still confused about the proper way to deal with it, you can seek further advice from a psychologist or psychiatrist.