Digital Subscriber Line or DSL is a communication medium used to transfer the internet via copper cable telecommunications lines. Along with cable internet, DSL is one of the most popular ways for internet service providers (ISPs) to provide broadband internet access. DSL is the primary form of broadband internet access and uses existing telephone wires to transmit data via a DSL modem, which makes the internet accessible to everyone. If you want to know about Openreach, you can visit our website.
DSL became one of the many technologies used for internet connections and became popular in the 1980s and 1990s. In the early days of the “World Wide Web” (in the 1990s), telephone companies provided dial-up service, which tended to be slow and tied up telephone lines. Due to the fast-growing demand for internet access, DSL technology was developed.
DSL can be divided into 2 types, namely symmetric DSL and asymmetric DSL
Symmetric DSL (SDSL) is a type of DSL that divides upstream and downstream frequencies evenly, providing the same speed for uploading and downloading data transfers. This connection can provide 2 Mbps upstream and downstream. SDSL is preferred by small organizations.
Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) is DSL that provides a wider frequency range for downstream transfers, offering several times faster downstream speeds. ADSL connections can offer 20 Mbps downstream and 1.5 Mbps upstream, as most users download more data than they upload.
The DSL modem receives the signal over the telephone line and converts it digitally for our use. This data can be transferred wirelessly or via an ethernet cable. The use of existing telephone lines makes DSL accessible in rural areas as well as in cities and towns. Phone lines have a higher capacity than telephone calls require, so a DSL signal can easily support the same infrastructure. DSL technology does not interfere with our landline services due to different operating frequencies. The telephone system and the internet can function simultaneously.