Ah, the beauties of the North Shore: the great views, the crisp air, and well-disasters on your carpet. You know, that feeling that your little mischievous pup or enthusiastic child spills on the floor? Cue the nail biting. But fear not, Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore pros have been there, done that. And they have kindly shared some tips with you on how to keep your carpets fresh.
Take a deep breath when you find a new stain. Probably for many of us, the first instinct would be to actually jump into the most quick and heroic actions, but patience is a virtue. Take a white cloth and blot the spill. Don’t rub as if giving a back massage; that does more harm than good. Gently pat from the outside in. The aim here is more about containment, rather like trying to get naughty cats back into a basket.
But what if you’ve missed that crucial spot? Here’s where some good old club soda comes to the rescue. Pour a bit onto a cloth and dab it on the stain. It works wonders on everyday stains like wine or coffee. Though sometimes, the stubborn ones, those ‘stick-you-like-glue’ stains, need more attention.
Then galloping in to save the day, vinegar and dish soap-the dynamic duo of cleaning. Dab at the stain with a clean cloth, and it will loosen its grip.
Sometimes, though, this would be the point at which the superhero finds their Achilles heel in a stain. Go ahead and get that dreaded ink stain from your last arts-and-crafts marathon with some rubbing alcohol. This time, go a little lighter-just a small dab, as would a painter delicately finishing a portrait. And remember, always test any solution on a hidden piece of carpet first to avoid surprises. Talking about surprises, did you know there’s an uncanny trick with shaving cream?
Ultra Brite Carpet & Tile Cleaning North Shore
79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066
(02) 8015 5143