Anxiety needs to be watched out for if it appears for no reason or is difficult to control, because it could be caused by an anxiety disorder. Anxiety and anxiety disorders are not the same. Anxiety is considered normal if it is still under control and disappears after the triggering factors for the emergence of anxiety are resolved. However, if the feeling of anxiety persists, even worsens until it finally interferes with daily activities, the condition can be said to be an anxiety disorder. Learn more about signs of mental illness on our website.
Everyone can feel anxious when they are about to face or are in a situation that is felt to be threatening or scary.
Some examples of these situations are changing schools, starting a new job, about to undergo surgery, facing an exam, experiencing an accident, or waiting for a wife to give birth.
The emergence of anxiety because they have to deal with situations or circumstances that are considered to be stressful is normal. Anxious people will usually experience the following symptoms:
Nervous, restless and tense
Fast heart rate
Quick breath
Difficult or even unable to sleep
Sweat a lot
Body feels weak
Difficult to concentrate
There is a feeling like there will be danger
Anxiety isn’t always a bad thing. With positive thoughts, the anxiety that arises can be used as motivation or encouragement to be able to overcome certain challenges or situations.
For example, during an exam or job interview, anxiety might motivate you to study or prepare for a job interview as well as possible.
The thing to watch out for is when anxiety persists even though the trigger factor has disappeared, or feelings of anxiety appear for no apparent reason and interfere with activities. In this case, you should suspect an anxiety disorder.
Symptoms of anxiety that are felt can be different for each person, depending on the type of anxiety disorder suffered. To determine whether the anxiety that appears is normal or caused by mental disorders, it is necessary to carry out further examination by a psychologist or psychiatrist.