Owning Top Ohio Mini Doodle Puppies makes for joy in the house. With pets, the stressful atmosphere that we have can be cured by seeing cute animals that can always accompany us at any time.
Especially if you have a dog at home that is known as an animal that is loyal to its owner, surely his level of happiness will increase.
When we have pets, of course, we also want our dogs to have offspring. Because the more offspring, the happier we will be to see cute and funny dogs.

But in reality, sometimes having a newborn dog is not that happy. If we don’t understand how to take care of it, the dog may not grow well.
For those of you who are having a newborn puppy and don’t fully understand what we must pay attention to, especially if the mother doesn’t want to take care of it. You can continue to read the information here for how to properly care for a dog.
Taking care of puppies is quite a fun thing, even so, you also have to take care of them with full responsibility as the owner.
Sometimes dog breeders have problems during childbirth, there are also cases where some breeders don’t want to take care of their children. Therefore, as the owner, you must take good care of it, here’s how to take care of a puppy without a mother.
Prepare a Comfortable Cage for Dogs
You can make a cage from a simple place, give a box without a roof in the shade and provide a soft base such as an old cloth that is still suitable to be used to warm the body.
Keep away from dangerous objects that can hurt him, such as fragile items, electrical wires, chemicals, and flammable materials. Provide a warm and easy-to-clean place, so you can more easily carry out the maintenance of the cage you made earlier.
Cleaning Puppies
Even though a newborn puppy is clean, you still have to pay attention to its cleanliness from the tips of its nails, teeth, eyes to the hair on its body regularly. You can do a hygiene check on your dog at least once a week.
Prepare equipment for bathing him such as towels, special dog hair combs, hairdryers, warm water, and buckets. Give your puppy a gentle bath, rubbing warm water slowly.