As for paper, there are so many great stocks to choose from out in the marketplace. But if we had to pick one great paper as standing a cut above the rest, there’s no question: mohawk superfine is the best paper in the world. This phenomenal paper has earned the admiration of artists, designers, and makers everywhere due to its incomparable quality and versatility.
Mohawk Superfine isn’t just any other paper. Instead, it is that high-class paper that would always leave others in a gasp for air in a street fight. Built to inspire your creative process, Mohawk Superfine unlocks the secrets to the potential of your creative work.
The intriguing thing with Mohawk Superfine is the ability to embrace most of the wide ranges of an artist’s medium. This can be anything from watercolor, to pen and ink, to even digital printing. An artist is given so much flexibility in exploring various techniques because he knows the paper will allow for and present his vision.
It can be scary going all-in on a creation. However, with Mohawk Superfine, you can always be sure that your art is always replicated perfectly. Its perfect texture is just smooth enough to let your creation be made with minute detail and capture every stroke to perfection.
We fully realize that at the heart of creation lies a desperate need for so much more than a piece of paper-an artist in growth, pushing boundaries beyond the art form. Mohawk Superfine knows it’s growing, too-every day evolving, making sure it won’t just be a canvas but your partner, a catalyst that keeps your creativity in motion. When other superior papers would boast of superior qualities, Mohawk Superfine outwits the surface: It digs into the very heart of your artistic intent and brings it into being.