Normally, sperm is white, slightly yellow, or gray. However, the color of sperm can change. This sperm discoloration can be normal can also be a sign of a disease. Actually the proper designation for a white or grayish liquid that comes out during ejaculation is not sperm, but semen. Semen contains millions of sperm and is a “vehicle” for sperm. Without semen, sperm cannot swim to the egg. If you want to get the benefit of Male Extra, you can visit our website.
The color of sperm can vary, depending on genetic factors, diet, and health conditions of men. The semen that carries these sperm can be clear, white, yellow, gray, pink, red, brown, even black. The following is the explanation:
1. Clear, white, and gray
If your semen is clear, white, or gray, the sign is normal and normal. The difference in color from clear to gray is determined by the mineral content, proteins, hormones, and enzymes derived from the male reproductive glands.
2. Yellow
During ejaculation, semen passes through the urethra or urethra. The semen can be mixed with urine and cause it to be rather yellow in color. In addition, foods that contain natural yellow pigments, like turmeric, can also make sperm yellow.
3. Pink or red
The color of pink or red sperm indicates that semen is mixed with fresh blood (hematospermia). Blood in semen can come from:
Prostate, testicular, or ureteral disorders.
High blood pressure.
Sexually transmitted infections.
Masturbation is too rough.
Remaining prostate surgery.
4. Orange or chocolate
The orange color can be caused by taking vitamin B supplements or antibiotics, such as metronidazole and rifampicin. In addition, the presence of oxidized blood in semen can also make sperm orange or brown.
5. Black
Black semen can also be caused by blood. The difference is, this time the blood has lived for a long time in the body before it comes out. In addition, the color of black sperm is also often associated with several medical conditions, such as spinal cord injury and high levels of metals in the body.