The supernatural experience is not a shaman’s monopoly. Even Yaje or Ayahuasca is so popular outside the Amazon community. Expert Harvard ethnobotanist Wade Davis has lived in the Amazon for more than a year, at the request of Professor Richard Evans Schultes, a pioneer and renowned expert in psychopharmacology (the study of hallucinogenic substances). From the lecturer, he got several recommendations, one of which was to, “Never went home before tasting Ayahuasca”. Indeed, for some groups of people in the Amazon, drinking a little Yaje as you can see at http://www.ayahuascahealings.com they usually do on many occasions with various purposes.
For soldiers, the effect of aggressiveness is considered very useful on the battlefield. Meanwhile, with a little use of Yaje, the hunters feel their instincts are sharper, and their ability to see at night increases. Of course, because Yaje proved to enlarge the pupil of the eye. While the Tukanoan used the Yaje to communicate with their ancestors and explore the sky. Drinking Yaje means learning. From here everyone obtains power and direction in life. Many believed ayahuasca can help in communication with extraterrestrial beings.
Most experiences under the influence of Yaje make sense because it fits the background of cultural beliefs and the strong subjective will of the perpetrator. But some strange aspects are difficult to understand. While most hallucinogens produce very varied images from one person to another, this is not the case with Yaje. Even for new users who are not familiar with South American cultural traditions, Yaje also gives the same hallucinatory image, in the form of a tiger or a large snake.
This truth has long been an inquiry signature for psychologists. Some propose that this picture may be due to genetically inherited recollection accounts, in the state of fear lines ingrained deep in human genes, that Yaje brings back. When the description of Yaje’s journey is put into the real form of a painting by a local artist, the resulting images are standard. One ethnobotanist even argued, “A person who sees an artist painting or just his work will be able to comment: ‘Oh, this is a picture seen after drinking three glasses of Yaje.'” Or maybe two, or four glasses.