The first tip for avoiding crime is not to wear or carry flashy items such as jewelry, for example. Wearing jewelry in public places will provoke criminals to stalk and launch the action. Although activities are limited, there are times when people will leave the house to buy and make ends meet, such as shopping for food and medicine. It is at this moment that the crime usually occurs. Therefore it is recommended that every community does not use or carry valuables or other flashy items when leaving the house. It is enough to bring items that are really needed, such as bags, wallets, and cellphones. Meanwhile, if you are actually wrongly accused of the crime you never committed, we suggest you hire the best legal defense team to defend yourself.
Second, always ensure that parked vehicles are always locked. This is important because thefts are rife in various regions, targeting crowded places such as supermarkets. For motorized vehicles, don’t forget to always ensure that when parked, the motorbike is locked by the handlebar so that it is difficult for other people to pick it up or carry it. Also, make sure you have parked the vehicle in a safe place, for example, a place where there is a parking guard. For four-wheeled vehicles, always make sure that your vehicle is locked when you park it. This is important so that in the event of theft the alarm sensor will sound and create a noise that can lure security officers over.
Furthermore, you may reduce the activity of going out at night. Even though current crimes do not recognize day and night, crimes are much more prone to occur at night. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, it is better not to go out at night. The streets are also getting lonely due to social distancing, so it is not safe for someone to go out at night. If you have to go out, make sure you are not alone, take your other friends or family just in case.