Camping or camping has become an activity that is now increasingly in demand by young people. Camping is believed to increase intimacy and practice independence. Meanwhile, if you don’t know the right camping equipment that you must buy, you also need to read a lot of camping gear reviews.
For those who like to camp and are planning an exciting and unforgettable camp, please don’t ignore the following 3 camper tips:
1. Determine a safe camping location
This is certain, yes I want to go camping but do not know the location. Camping location will help you and your friends to prepare all the needs later, both personal and group needs.
Avoid camping locations in flood-prone areas or around active mountains. This will endanger the safety of you and your friends.
Some camping locations that you can try, such as Cikole Graphic in Bandung and Dikubu Strawberry Farm in Bali. Besides being safe, the place is also cool and fun.
2. Invite friends to camp together
Do you dare to camp alone? Definitely not, right? Invite 4 – 5 of your friends to camp together at the location you have been looking for. If you want to invite your family together, just take it. The more people who come camping, the atmosphere even more exciting.
These people are certainly very useful during camping. If you get sick or need help, there are people who will help, so you don’t need to work alone.
3. Adjust the height of the tent properly
The higher a tent is, the cooler it is. That’s what is in your mind. Very wrong! Precisely the lower tent will be better because it is more resistant to exposure to wind, especially the night wind.
In addition to height, you should also pay attention to tent-making materials. Tents made of nylon are better for dispelling humid temperatures and certainly durable. Make sure the tent is easy to carry everywhere so that it will not trouble you and your friends when you leave and go home later.